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Thursday, April 29, 2010

48 hours later....

Results of the next beta are in, hcg levels are 4886...  nurse says "Dr. Winfrey would like you to have a sonogram as soon as possible."  What does this mean?!? Meanwhile, I am off to a Leadership Wichita Falls retreat for some non-alcoholic fun!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This is not going to be my favorite part of being pregnant I can see now.  First thing they do is drain me of all my blood... well not quite, just a tube, but it was bad enough.
First beta test, hcg levels are at 2392. Thats a positive!!! Have to go back in 48 hours to give blood again.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I got a funny feelin...

Just felt weird, thought I'd pee on a stick today... WOOPIE!!