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Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The big nerdy that I am.....  These make me happy... I thought my organizing world was going to come to ultimate greatness... and Ryan was going to come home one day and know EXACTLY where everything must go....
But then, I got a Post-It Perks email (yes, there is 'club' for people like me)......  and this is what I saw on my computer screen...
How can my excitement be topped, you ask?!? By a seemingly never-ending ROLL of post-its!!

My love for Post-It's almost rivals my love for Disney...  I would love for either to recognize my adoration for them and reward me with equal amounts of love.

I MUST have these....

P.S. - 22 weeks today!! Yea us!


  1. holy papaya! i must have these post its. think office depot has them? if you find them get me some green ones please : )

  2. I am a post-it note junkie! I can never have enough!

  3. I, too, LOVE Post-Its! And labels in general. In fact, the first few months of Ellasyn's life all of her drawers were labeled with the category of contents so that all my extra helpers would know where things went!! My mom was a little disappointed when I finally took them down.
