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Friday, March 11, 2011

Coffee & Cupcakes

That's going to be the name of my new blog one day....  if any of you steal it... I will find you, will be blended, rimmed with salt and had for happy hour...

To the point, I am having Coffee and Cupcakes - Green Velvet to be exact (thanks to almost over due, preggo Nichole).

Great day yesterday, huh?  Callen was up all night... not screaming or crying, just AWAKE....
The only bonus to this?
Everytime I went into his room he smiled and silently giggled {he doesn't get a whole lot of sound out yet}
Not so bonus to last nite?
We are having some craptastic {this is my word for the day} allergy crap in Wichita Falls this week... so I drugged up last night, thinking that it would be alright.... since he sleeps a lot at night.... Just Kidding Mama...

Another NOT SO BONUS...
I intended on some crazy cleaning this afternoon while he was at Kellie's... since the in-law family is headed up here Sat morning.. maybe even a grocery shopping trip... also need to head out to the base to Aunti Brit's to salvage some furniture before she heads to her new home.... BUT I REALLY WANT TO SLEEP ALL AFTERNOON AND ALL NITE.....

Hence... the caffeine and sugar for breakfast...

Happy Friday! {said with a grumpy face}

1 comment:

  1. Try the chocolate peanut butter cupcake from Starbucks. I am convinced they put crack in the batter.
