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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

On the Road to GLEE!

I am SO excited about my road trip with Brit!  We are headed to Indianapolis to see Glee.  I'm sure we are going to be bombarded by tweens, but us almost thirty somethings can hang.
In Oklahoma right now, as I type, getting gas and taking a potty break.
First trip away from Callen, I'll let you know how that goes.
More exciting news... I was featured on For the Love of Blogs today! {I don't know how to link from my Andoid Blogger app, but go check me out! It is linked on my bar on the right!}
First stop.... St Louis!


  1. congrats on the feature. I popped over from FTLOB to see you!

  2. Popping in from your feature on FTLOB!!! <3 your blog to pieces. I am going to admit for the first time that I too fall into the Walmart vortex. lol Following, because your blog is the cats pajamas!!!

    Blessings, Kisses, & Coladas!

    Jenny @ Jems From Jenny
