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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday Fill-In's on Saturday

I'm  SURE everyone went over to the Parrot Head {link to the right} and checked me out yesterday. Like EVERYONE!!

My besties from way, way, WAY back came into town yesterday, so I  got behind on the Friday Fill-In's. 

Following Lauren {at} the little things we do ... Here's more insight into my mind... 

1.   My favorite daily responsibility is,   dinner with Callen, spoon feeding has helped me with my postpartum depression crap .

2.  My least favorite daily responsibility is,   shaving my legs, hence why it doesn't happen daily .

3.  My favorite cuisine to eat when going out is   "going out to eat" in and of itself is the favorite cusine. Good food and friends. A Southern Girl staple.

4.  My favorite cuisine to prepare at home is     Grill pockets - Meat. Potatoes, Veggies - always a corn on the cob, spices. Wrapped in a foil pocket. Put on the grill. Yuu-uum.

5.  Andy Warhol said that everyone is famous for 15 minutes. My claim to fame is   being born! Hello! Just Kidding. No fame here.

6.  If I could have 3 wishes I would wish   I had more time with my Daddy, I wasn't a worry-wort, and that I lived at Disney World.

7.  My biggest pet peeve is  waiting.  For emails. For calls. In line at the ATM. You name it. I peeve it. 

By the way... be sure you go to her blog... there is a HILARIOUS video at the end of her Fill-In!!!

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