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Friday, June 24, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

 1.   The last thing I ate was      roasted garlic hummus and crackers

2.  The next thing I'd like to eat is    Pasta. I'm craving pasta. I think it's because I had some awesome pasta last weekend and I wish I had more. 

3.  The best things    snickers, baby laughs. 

4.  Something that makes me supremely and utterly happy is   hanging out with Ryan & Callen, just doing nothin'.

5.  Sports are    BOORING. Except Baseball. If it includes Beer, I can tolerate it. 

6.  I miss   Free time.  Like when I was in college. 

7.  Right now I am   SO excited it Friday. Trying to find a babysitter for next week so I can go to San Antonio for work. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Pasta!!
    It's one of my favorite foods!!
    I'm craving pasta all the time!!
    My mind is always saying "paaaaastaaaa, I need paaaastaaa" (with zombie voice).
