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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where Have I Been?

Good question.  A week just passed me by without warning.
I've been busy at work and pretty darn sleepy.

Let's recap some of the fun for this weekend.

Naps. This was me.  Man was I beat.

google image search.
Smallville SERIES FINALE.  That's all folks. A decade of my life. Gone.  I can't seem to erase it from my DVR.  He finally donned his iconic suit and fulfilled his destiny.  My household things it too WAY to long for him to learn to fly, but I watched every Friday none the less. {not sure where this poster came from, cause it's Fridays around here.}


We went to see Celtic Woman.  Yes.  They came to Wichita Falls.  We got a babysitter.  YAY!  This is not a picture from what we saw.  There was a no camera policy.  Not sure how this picture came about.  The set and costumes are the same.  There was a new member, Lisa Lambe, who is not pictured here.  The two on the right, in this picture, were not there.  So we had  Pink, Grey, and Green Celtic Women.  Ryan loves him some Irish gals.


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